Have you ever wondered if you can forget how to swim? It may seem impossible, but it can happen. There are a few reasons why someone may forget how to swim.

If they haven’t swam in a long time, their muscles may have forgotten the motions. If they’ve had a traumatic experience while swimming, they may have developed a fear of the water. Or, they may simply never have learned how to swim in the first place.

Whatever the reason, forgetting how to swim is definitely possible.

  • There are a few ways that you can forget how to swim
  • One way is to never have learned in the first place
  • Another way is to take a hiatus from swimming for an extended period of time so that you forget the skills and techniques that you once knew
  • Finally, you can also have an accident or incident while swimming that causes you to lose confidence in your abilities and subsequently forget how to swim

Can You Forget How to Swim Reddit

Have you ever forgotten how to do something you once knew how to do? It’s a strange feeling, isn’t it? You know you used to be able to do it, but for some reason, you just can’t seem to remember how.

It turns out that forgetting how to swim is a thing. And according to this Reddit thread, it’s not as uncommon as you might think. So why does this happen?

Well, there are a few possible explanations. First of all, it could be due to something called “reverse muscle memory.” This is when your muscles forget how to do something because they’ve been doing the opposite for so long.

For example, if you’ve been lifting weights regularly for years and then suddenly stop, your muscles will start to forget how to lift weights correctly. The same thing could happen with swimming if you stop swimming for an extended period of time. Another possibility is that your mind is playing tricks on you.

When we learn something new, our brains create connections between the neurons responsible for that particular skill. But those connections can weaken over time if we don’t use them regularly. So it’s possible that your brain has simply forgotten the connections necessary for swimming because it hasn’t been using them lately.

Whatever the reason may be, forgetting how to swim can be a frustrating experience. But fortunately, it seems like most people who have forgotten how to swim are eventually able to remember again with a little practice (and sometimes even without any practice at all). So if you find yourself in this situation, don’t despair – there’s hope!

How to Start Swimming Again After a Long Break

If you’re someone who loves swimming, then taking a break can be really tough. But sometimes life gets in the way and we have to take a hiatus from the pool. Maybe you had an injury that sidelined you for a while, or you started a new job and suddenly had less free time.

Whatever the reason, if you’re ready to start swimming again after a long break, here are some tips to help you ease back into it.

1. Start slow and gradually increase your yardage. If you try to do too much too soon, you’ll likely end up getting injured or burned out quickly. So take it easy at first and slowly build up your distance over time.

2. Listen to your body. This is especially important if you’ve been injured before.

If something doesn’t feel right, don’t push through the pain! Take a break and see if the pain goes away before getting back in the pool.

3 . Make sure your swim gear still fits. It’s amazing how much our bodies can change in just a few months (or even weeks!). So before diving back into swimming, make sure your bathing suit still fits well and that your goggles aren’t too loose or tight.

4 . Find a workout buddy. Having someone to swim with will not only motivate you to keep going, but it’ll also make workouts more enjoyable. Ask a friend or family member if they want to join you for some laps!

5 . Set goals. Whether it’s swimming a certain number of laps per week or training for a specific event, setting goals will help keep you motivated throughout your journey back to the pool.

Can You Forget How to Swim
Credit: hydropursuit.com

Is It Possible to Not Be Able to Learn to Swim?

Yes, it is possible to not be able to learn to swim. There are many reasons why someone might not be able to learn to swim, including physical limitations, fear of the water, and simply not having access to quality swimming instruction. While some people are naturally gifted swimmers, others have to work hard at it and may never reach the same level of proficiency.

Is It Harder to Learn to Swim As You Get Older?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the individual. Some people find it easier to learn to swim as they get older, while others may find it more difficult. There are a number of factors that can affect how easy or hard it is to learn to swim as you age, including your level of fitness, previous experience with swimming, and any health conditions you may have.

If you are generally fit and healthy and have some previous experience with swimming, then you should be able to pick up the basics quite easily. However, if you are starting from scratch or are not very physically fit, then learning to swim as an adult can be more challenging. Health conditions such as arthritis or joint pain can also make it harder to learn to swim later in life.

Overall, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to whether it is harder to learn to swim as you get older. It really depends on the individual and their specific circumstances.

Why is Swimming So Difficult to Learn?

There are many reasons why swimming is difficult to learn. First, swimming requires coordination of the arms and legs in a way that most people are not used to. Second, breathing is more difficult while swimming because you have to coordinate it with the movement of your arms and legs.

Third, the water resistance makes it difficult to move your body through the water. Finally, most people are not comfortable with being in the water and may feel claustrophobic or anxious.

How Do You Get Used to Swimming Again?

If you haven’t been in the pool for a while, getting back into swimming can be daunting. But don’t worry – we’ve got some top tips to help you ease yourself back into the water and get used to swimming again. Before you start, it’s important to make sure you’re feeling comfortable and confident.

If you’re not used to being in the water, it can be helpful to start by doing some simple exercises on land first. This will help build up your confidence and prepare your body for swimming. When you’re ready to get back in the pool, start with a few gentle laps.

Don’t try to do too much too soon – it’s important to listen to your body and take things at your own pace. As you swim, focus on using good technique and maintaining a smooth rhythm. After a few laps, take a break and assess how you’re feeling.

If you’re starting to feel tired or uncomfortable, stop swimming and rest for a while. It’s also important to drink plenty of fluids when swimming, so make sure you keep hydrated throughout your session. As you become more comfortable in the pool, you can gradually increase the intensity of your workouts.

But always remember to listen to your body and take things at your own pace – there’s no need to push yourself too hard. With time and patience, you’ll be back swimming like a pro in no time!

I Forgot How To SWIM!


Yes, you can forget how to swim if you don’t practice regularly or if you have a fear of the water. It’s not uncommon for people to forget how to swim after not being in the water for a long time. If you’re thinking about getting back into swimming, make sure to start with some basic lessons to refresh your skills.