An incubus is a type of demon that feeds off the sexual energy of humans. They are said to be able to take on any form but usually appear as attractive men. If you believe you are being visited by an incubus, there are some things you can do to get rid of it.

  • Understand what an incubus is
  • An incubus is a male demon who preys on women in their sleep, usually for sexual purposes
  • Identify whether you are being visited by an incubus
  • If you wake up feeling tired or with unexplained bruises or marks on your body, it’s possible that you’re being visited by an incubus
  • Take steps to protect yourself from further visits
  • Place a crucifix or other religious item near your bed, and sleep with the lights on if possible
  • Seek out professional help if necessary
  • If you’re being regularly visited by an incubus and it’s negatively impacting your life, seek out professional help from a qualified exorcist or spiritualist who can help get rid of the demon for good

How To Get Rid Of Incubus/Succubus | STEP BY STEP

What is an Incubus

An incubus is a male demon who takes the form of a human in order to seduce and rape women. The word “incubus” comes from the Latin word for “nightmare.” Incubi are said to be able to take on any form they choose, but often take on the appearance of an attractive man.

They typically prey on women who are alone, asleep, or vulnerable in some way. The act of an incubus raping a woman is said to drain her life force, leaving her weak and exhausted. In some cases, it is even said that the victim dies as a result of the encounter.

Incubi are also said to be able to impregnate women, with the child born being either a demon or a human/demon hybrid. There are many different stories and legends about incubi, dating back thousands of years. These creatures have been mentioned in various cultures across the world, including Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Greek, Roman, and Jewish mythology.

In more recent times, stories about incubi have appeared in literature and film (such as Rosemary’s Baby and The Exorcist). Whether you believe in them or not, incubi continue to be a popular topic in both fiction and folklore.

How Do You Get Rid of an Incubus

An incubus is a demon that preys on humans, usually during the night. They are said to seduce their victims and drain them of their life force. Incubi are male demons, while succubi are female demons.

There are a few ways to get rid of an incubus. One way is to banish the demon back to its home dimension. This can be done by using holy water, salt, or iron.

You can also try exorcism, but this is a risky method as it involves confronting the demon directly. Another way to get rid of an incubus is to bind it with a magical contract. This will prevent the demon from being able to harm you or anyone else.

The downside of this method is that it requires you to have a strong magical ability in order to create the contract. The best way to protect yourself from an incubus is to take precautions against being possessed in the first place. This includes keeping your room well-lit at night and avoiding being alone in dark places where the demon could attack you.

What are the Symptoms of Being Possessed by an Incubus

When an incubus possesses someone, that person may experience a range of symptoms that can be both physical and psychological in nature. Some common physical symptoms include: feeling like someone or something is holding them down, being paralyzed, feeling like they are floating or levitating, experiencing sudden changes in temperature, and seeing strange lights or shadows. Psychological symptoms can include: hearing voices, seeing things that aren’t there, feeling extreme fear or terror, feeling like one is not in control of their body or thoughts, and having memories of experiences that one cannot account for.

In some cases, people who have been possessed by an incubus may also exhibit signs of sexual arousal or engage in sexual activity without any conscious awareness or control.

Is There a Way to Prevent Being Possessed by an Incubus

An incubus is a male demon that preys on women during the night. They are said to seduce their victims with sexual pleasure before feeding on their life force. Though there are many ways to become possessed by an incubus, there are also ways to prevent it from happening.

One way to prevent being possessed by an incubus is to wear a protective amulet or talisman. These can be made of iron, silver, or even garlic. Another way to protect yourself is to create a circle of salt around your bed before going to sleep.

This will keep the incubus out and prevent it from coming into your room. If you think you may have already been possessed by an incubus, there are steps you can take to get rid of it. One way is to perform an exorcism with the help of a priest or other religious figure.

Another way is to use holy water and recite prayers or other words of power over yourself until the demon is forced out. Finally, you can try using spells or other magical rituals specifically designed to banish demons like the incubus back to their home realm.

Are There Any Known Cases of People Getting Rid of an Incubus on Their Own

Most people who believe they have an incubus say that the creature is attracted to them because of their sexual energy. They may feel like they are being watched in their sleep or wake up feeling like they have been touched inappropriately. Some people say that the incubus drains their energy, which can lead to fatigue and depression.

There are many ways claimed to get rid of an incubus, but there is no scientific evidence that any of these methods work. If you think you have an incubus, it is best to see a mental health professional rule out any other causes for your symptoms.

How to Get Rid of an Incubus


Incubus are malevolent spirits that are said to lie on top of people while they sleep, draining their energy. There are many ways to get rid of an incubus, but the most common is through exorcism. If you think you may be under attack by an incubus, it is important to seek help from a professional as soon as possible.