Guinea pigs are rodents that are popular pets in many households. They are relatively easy to care for and can be very affectionate animals. However, there are some people who find them to be a nuisance.

If you have a guinea pig and you want to get rid of it, there are a few things you can do. The first thing you need to do is find a new home for your guinea pig. This may be difficult if you do not know anyone who wants a pet rodent, but it is important to find a safe place for the animal.

Once you have found a new home, you need to prepare your guinea pig for the move. This means getting all of its supplies together and making sure it has food and water. You should also take it to the vet for a check-up before moving it to its new home.

If you cannot find a new home for your guinea pig, there are other options available. You can contact your local animal shelter or rescue organization and see if they can take the animal in. You may also be able to donate the guinea pig to a research facility or university laboratory.

  • Take your guinea pig to the vet for a checkup to make sure they are healthy and don’t have any contagious diseases
  • Find a new home for your guinea pig by asking family or friends if they want one, looking online, or taking them to a local animal shelter
  • Give your guinea pig time to get used to their new home by letting them explore their cage or room and providing them with food, water, and bedding
  • Stay in touch with the new owner of your guinea pig and make sure that they are taking care of them properly

18 Things Guinea Pigs Hate

What Do You Do With Guinea Pigs You Don’t Want Anymore?

There are a number of things you can do with guinea pigs you no longer want, but it is important to be thoughtful and considerate in your decision-making. Some people may opt to simply give their guinea pig away to a friend or family member, while others may choose to take them to a local animal shelter. There are pros and cons to both of these options, so it is important that you weigh all of your options before making a decision.

If you decide to give your guinea pig away, it is important that you find someone who is willing and able to take proper care of them. This means providing them with plenty of food, water, and space to roam. They will also need regular vet check-ups and access to hay, straw, or other bedding materials.

If you have any concerns about the person you are giving your guinea pig to, it is best not to go through with the transaction. Taking your guinea pig to a shelter is another option, but it is important that you research the shelter beforehand. You want to make sure that they have adequate resources and staff who can properly care for the animals in their facility.

Additionally, many shelters require that animals be spayed or neutered before they are accepted into the facility; this is something you will need to factor into your decision as well. Ultimately, whether you give your guinea pig away or take them to a shelter, the most important thing is that they end up in a safe and loving home where they will be well taken care of.

What Kills Guinea Pigs Fast?

There are many things that can kill guinea pigs fast, including untreated health problems, improper diet, and lack of exercise. Treating health problems early is the best way to keep your guinea pig healthy and prevent any potential complications. A well-balanced diet is also essential for keeping your guinea pig healthy, as they require specific vitamins and minerals in order to stay alive.

Lastly, exercise is important for guinea pigs as it helps them maintain a healthy weight and prevents obesity-related health problems.

Can I Release My Guinea Pig into the Wild?

No, you cannot release your guinea pig into the wild. Guinea pigs are not native to the United States and releasing them into the wild would be considered animal cruelty. Additionally, guinea pigs are not equipped to survive in the wild and would likely die within a matter of days.

If you can no longer care for your guinea pig, consider finding a new home for it or taking it to a local animal shelter.

What Usually Kills Guinea Pigs?

Guinea pigs are small, timid animals that are easily terrified. This makes them especially vulnerable to heart attacks and other stress-related illnesses. In addition, guinea pigs have very sensitive digestive systems and can easily become sick if they eat the wrong thing.

They are also prone to respiratory infections and cancer.

How to Get Rid of Guinea Pigs

Where to Take Unwanted Guinea Pigs near Me

If you have an unwanted guinea pig, there are a few options available to you. You can either keep the guinea pig and find a new home for it yourself, or you can surrender it to a local rescue organization. There are many guinea pig rescues across the country that would be happy to take in your unwanted pet.

To find a rescue near you, simply do a search online or ask your local veterinarian for recommendations. Once you have found a suitable rescue organization, simply contact them and arrange to surrender your guinea pig. The staff at the rescue will then work to find a new home for your pet.

In some cases, keeping the guinea pig and finding it a new home yourself may be the best option. If this is something you are considering, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First of all, make sure that you have the time and resources necessary to care for the guinea pig until it is adopted by someone else.

You will also need to advertise that you have an unwanted guinea pig looking for a new home. There are many ways to do this, such as posting flyers in your neighborhood or placing ads online. Just be sure to include all pertinent information about the guinea pig so that potential adopters can make an informed decision about whether or not they are right for the pet.

Does Petco Take Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs are cute and cuddly, and they make great pets. But what happens when you need to find a new home for your guinea pig? Can you take them to Petco?

The answer is, unfortunately, no. While Petco does sell guinea pigs, they do not accept them as donations or adoptions. This means that if you have a guinea pig that you can no longer care for, you will need to find another home for them.

There are a few options for finding a new home for your guinea pig. You can post an ad on Craigslist or a similar website, or you can check with local shelters or rescue organizations. These organizations often have foster homes where they can place animals until they find their forever homes.

If you are having trouble finding a new home for your guinea pig, there are also many online forums where people who love guinea pigs can connect with each other. These forums can be a great resource for finding someone who is willing to take in your pet. In short, if you need to find a new home for your guinea pig, Petco is not the place to go.

There are other options out there that will allow you to find the perfect home for your pet.

How to Get Rid of Guinea Pig Smell

Do you have a Guinea Pig that smells? Here are a few tips on how to get rid of the smell. 1. Check their diet- One common reason for Guinea Pigs to smell is because of their diet.

Make sure they are eating plenty of hay, fresh vegetables, and water. Avoid sugary foods as these can cause stomach issues which lead to bad smells. 2. Clean their cage regularly- A dirty cage will make your Guinea Pig smell bad.

Try to clean it out at least once a week with hot water and vinegar. If possible, put the cage outside in the sun to air out between cleanings. 3. Give them baths- You can give your Guinea Pig a bath every few weeks using special shampoo made for them.

Be sure to rinse them well and dry them off completely before putting them back in their cage. 4. Use an air purifier- If you have an air purifier in your home, it can help remove some of the smells from your Guinea Pig’s cage.

Does the Humane Society Take Guinea Pigs

The Humane Society is a great organization that does a lot of good for animals in need. However, they do not take in guinea pigs. The reason for this is that they are not equipped to care for them properly.

Guinea pigs have very specific needs and require a certain type of diet and environment to thrive. If you are looking to adopt a guinea pig, your best bet is to contact a local rescue or shelter that specializes in small animals.

No Kill Shelter for Guinea Pigs near Me

There are many guinea pigs in need of homes, and one way you can help is by adopting from a no-kill shelter. A no-kill shelter is one that does not euthanize animals, regardless of age, health, or temperament. This means that every guinea pig has a chance at finding a forever home.

There are many benefits to adopting from a no-kill shelter. The first is that you know the animal you are adopting has not been harmed in any way. Secondly, these shelters typically have lower adoption fees since they do not have the overhead costs associated with euthanasia.

Finally, you can be assured that your new furry friend will receive the best possible care while they wait for their forever home.

Can I Sell My Guinea Pigs to Petsmart

If you’re looking to sell your guinea pigs, you might be wondering if Petsmart is a good option. The answer is maybe. While Petsmart does sell guinea pigs, they don’t always have a lot of them in stock and they typically source their animals from local breeders.

So, if you have a quality animal that is healthy and well-cared for, you may be able to find a buyer at Petsmart. However, it’s important to note that the store does not guarantee that they will purchase your animal and they reserve the right to refuse any sale for any reason.

Guinea Pig Rescue San Antonio

If you’re looking for a new furry friend, consider adopting a guinea pig from Guinea Pig Rescue San Antonio! We are a small, all-volunteer organization dedicated to rescuing and rehoming guinea pigs in the San Antonio area. We have a variety of adoptable piggies, from young to old, standard to fancy-coated.

All of our animals are spayed/neutered and up to date on their vaccinations. The adoption process is simple: fill out an application online or in person at one of our adoption events, and we’ll set up a meet-and-greet with the animal you’re interested in. If it’s a good match, you’ll sign an adoption contract and take your new pet home!

Adopting a guinea pig is a great way to provide love and care for an animal in need. If you’re not ready to commit forever, we also offer foster opportunities.

Guinea Pig Rescue Houston

Welcome to Guinea Pig Rescue Houston! We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing and rehoming guinea pigs in the Houston, Texas area. We also provide education and resources for guinea pig owners and those considering adopting a guinea pig.

Our mission is to promote the welfare of guinea pigs by providing rescue services, adoption assistance, foster care, educational resources, and public awareness. We aim to be a resource for the community and to educate the public about responsible guinea pig ownership. We are an all-volunteer organization; we do not have a physical shelter or location.

Our adoptable guinea pigs are housed in foster homes until they find their forever homes. If you are interested in adopting a guinea pig, please fill out our Adoption Application form. If you would like to help us in our mission but are not able to adopt or foster at this time, there are many other ways you can help!

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help us cover the costs of food, bedding, veterinary care, and other expenses associated with rescuing guinea pigs. You can also spread the word about our organization by liking us on Facebook and sharing our posts with your friends and family!


If you have guinea pigs and want to get rid of them, there are a few options. You can either give them away or sell them, or you can euthanize them. If you decide to give them away, make sure to find a good home where they will be well cared for.

If you sell them, be sure to set a fair price and include all the necessary information about their care. If you decide to euthanize your guinea pigs, talk to your veterinarian about the best way to do this.