I can remember the first time I went on a roller coaster. I was with my family at an amusement park and I must have been about seven years old. I don’t know what made me do it, but I decided that I wanted to go on the biggest, hardest roller coaster in the park.

So, I got in line and waited my turn. When it was finally my turn to get on, I suddenly realized how high up we were going to be and how fast we would be going. I started to get a little scared, but I didn’t want to back out now because everyone was watching me.

So, I gritted my teeth and got on the ride. It turned out to be not so bad after all and ever since then, I’ve loved roller coasters!

  • The first step is to understand what it is that scares you about roller coasters
  • Is it the height? The speed? The turns? Once you know what your specific fear is, you can begin to address it
  • Step two is to educate yourself about roller coasters
  • Learn about how they are constructed and how they operate
  • This will help to ease your fears by understanding that the ride is safe and controlled
  • Step three is to start small
  • If you’re scared of heights, try a kiddie coaster or one with shorter drops first
  • If speed is your issue, look for a coaster with lower top speeds
  • Don’t try to tackle your fear all at once, work up to it gradually
  • Step four is to ride with a friend or family member who isn’t afraid of roller coasters
  • Having someone else in the seat next to you who enjoys the ride can help put your mind at ease and make the experience more enjoyable
  • Finally, don’t be afraid to speak up if you’re feeling uncomfortable on a coaster while riding it
  • Most operators will be happy to slow down or stop the ride if necessary so that you can get off safely

Kevin Hart Presents – How to get over your fears ( Roller Coasters )

How Do You Get Over Your Fear of Roller Coasters?

If you’re one of the many people who get anxious at the thought of riding a roller coaster, you’re not alone. For some, the fear is so strong that it can be debilitating. But there are ways to overcome your fears and enjoy the thrill of the ride.

Here are a few tips for getting over your fear of roller coasters:

1. Start small. If you’re petrified of heights, start by riding smaller rides that aren’t as high off the ground. This will help you get used to the feeling of being up in the air and help ease your anxiety about taller rides.

2. Work up to it. Once you’ve conquered some smaller rides, gradually work your way up to bigger and better roller coasters. Don’t try to go from zero to sixty overnight – take your time and let your confidence grow along with the size of the rides you’re taking on.

3. Breathe deeply and relax. It sounds clichéd, but deep breathing really can help calm your nerves when you’re feeling anxious about riding a roller coaster (or anything else, for that matter). Concentrate on taking slow, deep breaths and try to relax every muscle in your body as you exhale.

4. Distract yourself during the ride. If all else fails and you find yourself still feeling scared while on a roller coaster, try to distract yourself from the fear by focusing on something else – like singing along with an upbeat song playing inside the ride or chatting with your seatmate (if there is one).

The less attention you pay to how scared you are, the better!

How Do You Calm Yourself down before Going on a Roller Coaster?

If you’re feeling nervous about going on a roller coaster, there are a few things you can do to calm yourself down. First, take some deep breaths and try to relax your muscles. You can also close your eyes and imagine yourself riding the coaster calmly.

If you’re still feeling scared, it’s okay to hold onto someone else for support. Just remember that roller coasters are safe and fun, and you’ll be fine!

How Do You Get on Rides Without Being Scared?

There’s no shame in being scared of rides at an amusement park. In fact, many people are! But there are a few things you can do to ease your fears and enjoy the experience.

First, try to pick a ride that isn’t too intense for your comfort level. If roller coasters make you queasy, start with something slower and work your way up. Second, read up on the ride beforehand so you know what to expect.

Learning about the mechanics of the ride can help alleviate some of your anxiety. And finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help from a friend or family member if you need it. Sometimes it helps to have someone else along for moral support.

What is the Fear of Roller Coasters Called?

The fear of roller coasters is called Coasterphobia. It is an extreme fear of roller coasters and other related amusement park rides. People with this phobia may experience anxiety, panic attacks, or even fainting when exposed to these types of rides.

How to Not Be Scared of Roller Coasters
Credit: www.thestar.com

How to Not Be Scared of Roller Coasters Reddit

Do you love the thrill of roller coasters, but get a little anxious before boarding? You’re not alone! Many people feel nervous about riding roller coasters, but there are ways to ease your fears.

Here are some tips for how to not be scared of roller coasters:

1. Choose a coaster that’s right for you. If you’re a beginner, start with a smaller coaster with less intense drops. Work your way up to the bigger, badder rides as you become more comfortable.

2. Ride with someone else. Having a friend or family member along for the ride can help take away some of the fear factors.

3. Focus on the positive aspects of the experience. Yes, it may be scary at first, but think about how exhilarating it will be when you finally conquer your fear! The sense of accomplishment will be worth it in the end.

4. Take deep breaths and relax your body before boarding the coaster. This will help to calm your nerves and prepare you for the ride ahead.

5. Close your eyes if needed during particularly intense moments. If looking at the track is making you too anxious, simply close your eyes and imagine yourself somewhere else until it’s over (or until you open them again).

Why am I Scared of Roller Coasters

I’m not exactly sure why I’m scared of roller coasters. It could be the sudden drops, the fast speeds, or the fact that you’re strapped in and can’t get off if you start to freak out. Whatever the reason, I just can’t seem to bring myself to ride one.

I know some people love roller coasters and find them exhilarating. But for me, they are just way too scary. Even thinking about riding one makes my heart race and my palms sweat.

Just watching videos of them online is enough to make my stomach drop. If you’re like me and don’t enjoy roller coasters, there’s no need to force yourself to ride one just because everyone else is doing it. There are plenty of other fun rides at amusement parks that aren’t quite so intense.

Or you can always enjoy the park from the ground!

Fear of Roller Coaster Drops

If the very thought of roller coaster drops makes your stomach churn, you’re not alone. Many people experience a sense of dread or even panic when faced with the prospect of hurtling down a steep hill at high speeds. But there’s no need to let your fear keep you from enjoying the thrills that these rides have to offer.

With a little bit of preparation, you can conquer your fear and enjoy the ride! Here are some tips to help you get over your fear of roller coaster drops:

Start small

If you’re new to roller coasters, it’s best to start with a smaller ride that doesn’t have any big drops. This will help you get used to the sensation of riding on a coaster without being overwhelmed by the height.

Work up to it

Once you’ve conquered some smaller rides, gradually work your way up to taller ones with bigger drops. Don’t try to go too fast – take your time and build up your confidence slowly.

Sit near the front

If possible, try to sit near the front of the coaster car – this will give you a better view of what’s coming and help you feel more in control during the ride.

Distract yourself

If you start to feel anxious during the ride, try to distract yourself by looking around at the scenery or chatting with your fellow riders (if they’re not too busy screaming!). Focusing on something else will help take your mind off of your fear.

Why am I Not Scared of Roller Coasters

Most people are scared of roller coasters. They’re big, they’re fast, and they go upside down. But I’m not scared of them. In fact, I love roller coasters! Why am I not scared of roller coasters? It’s simple really.

Roller coasters are just a lot of fun! They give you a thrill that you can’t get from anything else. When you’re on a roller coaster, you feel alive.

And that’s why I love them. Sure, roller coasters can be dangerous. But so is crossing the street or riding a bike.

The key is to be careful and follow the safety rules. As long as you do that, you’ll be fine. So if you’re wondering why I’m not scared of roller coasters, now you know.

They’re just a lot of fun!

Psychological Effects of Roller Coasters

Roller coasters are intense, thrilling rides that can leave you feeling exhilarated and on top of the world. But for some people, roller coasters can also be a source of anxiety and fear. For those with a fear of heights or a history of motion sickness, roller coasters can be downright terrifying.

Even if you don’t have a specific fear of roller coasters, the sheer speed and force of these rides can be overwhelming. The drops, twists, and turns can trigger a fight-or-flight response in your body, leading to an adrenaline rush and even temporary paralysis. In some cases, the psychological effects of riding a roller coaster can last long after the ride is over.

Some people report feeling dizzy or nauseous for hours afterward, while others say they feel an extreme sense of euphoria that is almost like being high. Whether you love them or hate them, there’s no denying that roller coasters can have a powerful effect on your mind and body. So next time you’re thinking about strapping yourself in for a wild ride, make sure you’re prepared for the psychological consequences as well!

Does Screaming Help on Roller Coasters

Roller coasters are one of the most popular attractions at amusement parks. They are also one of the most thrilling, and sometimes even scary, experiences. Many people scream when they ride roller coasters, but is this actually helpful?

Screaming on roller coasters can actually help in two ways. First, it can help release adrenaline and excitement, which can make the experience more enjoyable. Second, it can help you stay alert and focused, which can help you keep your balance and avoid getting injured.

However, there are also some drawbacks to screaming on roller coasters. For one thing, it can be very loud and disruptive to other riders. Additionally, if you scream too much, you might start to feel dizzy or lightheaded from the lack of oxygen.

Therefore, it’s important to know when to stop screaming and take a break. Overall, whether or not you should scream on a roller coaster is up to personal preference. If you think it will help you enjoy the experience more or stay safe, then go for it!

Just be sure to take breaks every now and then so that you don’t get too dizzy or disrupt other riders around you.

Celebrities Afraid of Roller Coasters

When it comes to celebrities and roller coasters, there seems to be a bit of a fear factor involved. From A-list actors to top athletes, many famous faces have admitted to being scared of thrill rides. For some, it’s the heights that are the most daunting, while others can’t handle the high speeds and twists and turns.

Whatever the reason may be, it’s clear that roller coasters aren’t for everyone – even celebrities. Here are just a few of the many celebrities who have spoken out about their fear of roller coasters:

Tom Cruise

One of Hollywood’s biggest stars is also one of its biggest wimps when it comes to roller coasters. In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Cruise confessed that he was “terrified” of the rides and would never go on one again after a particularly harrowing experience on Disneyland’s Space Mountain.

Jennifer Lawrence

Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence is another celebrity who isn’t a fan of roller coasters. She told Ellen DeGeneres that she gets “so nauseous” on them and even threw up on one occasion. Yikes!

Will Smith

He may be known as The Fresh Prince but when it comes to roller coasters, Will Smith is anything but fresh. He revealed on The Graham Norton Show that he once wet himself while riding Universal Studios’ Men in Black: Alien Attack ride. Not exactly something you want to be known for!

How to Enjoy Roller Coasters

Roller coasters are one of the most popular amusement park rides, enjoyed by people of all ages. While some people find them thrilling, others find them downright terrifying. If you fall into the latter category, there’s no need to miss out on the fun – there are plenty of ways to enjoy roller coasters without being scared witless.

Here are a few tips:

Don’t look down. It’s natural to want to keep your eyes glued to the track in front of you, but if you’re feeling nervous, looking down at the ground far below can make things worse. Instead, focus on something in the distance and try not to think about how high up you are.

Relax your body. Tensing up will only make things worse, so try to relax and go with the flow. Loosen your grip on the safety bar and let your arms and legs dangle loosely – it’ll help you feel less enclosed and claustrophobic.

Breathe deeply and slowly. Taking deep breaths will help calm your nerves and slow your heart rate. And don’t forget to exhale!

Chat with your fellow riders. Distracting yourself from the ride by chatting with those around you can take your mind off of how scary it is – plus, it’s a great way to make new friends!


Have you ever been on a roller coaster? They’re a lot of fun, but they can also be really scary! If you’re thinking about going on a roller coaster for the first time, or if you’ve been on one before and didn’t enjoy it, here are some tips for how to not be scared.

First, it’s important to remember that roller coasters are safe. They may look dangerous, but they’re actually very well-designed and monitored by trained professionals. So there’s no need to worry about safety.

Second, try to relax and enjoy the ride. Don’t think about how high up you are or how fast you’re going. Instead, focus on the scenery around you and the people you’re with.

Finally, if you do start to feel scared, don’t panic! Just close your eyes and take some deep breaths until the feeling passes. Roller coasters are meant to be fun, so don’t let your fear ruin the experience!