To remove restricted monetization on Facebook, first log into your account and click on the down arrow in the top right corner of the screen. Then, click on “Settings” and select “Monetization” from the left sidebar. On the next page, scroll down to the “Restricted Monetization” section and click on the “Remove Restriction” button.

  • Log into your Facebook account and navigate to the settings page
  • Scroll down to the “Monetization” section and click on the “Edit” button
  • In the pop-up window, select the “Remove Restrictions” option and click on the “Save Changes” button
  • You will be prompted to enter your password for confirmation
  • Enter your password and click on the “Confirm” button

Facebook Restricted Monetization Appeal

If you’re a content creator on Facebook, you may have noticed that your monetization options are limited. In order to appeal this decision, you’ll need to fill out a form provided by Facebook. The form will ask for basic information about your account, as well as the specific content that you believe should be eligible for monetization.

Once you submit the form, Facebook will review your request and determine whether or not to overturn their previous decision. If you’re not sure whether or not your content is eligible for monetization, be sure to check out Facebook’s guidelines before filling out the form. With a little bit of effort, you should be able to get your monetization privileges restored.

How to Remove Restricted Monetization on Facebook

How Do I Get My Monetization Back on Facebook?

It’s no secret that Facebook has been tightening its grip on what content can be monetized on the platform. In recent months, the social media giant has made a number of changes to its policies regarding what kind of content can be shown with ads and who can profit from that content. These changes have caused a lot of confusion and frustration for many content creators, especially those who rely on Facebook for their livelihood.

If you’re one of these creators, you may be wondering how you can get your monetization back on Facebook. The good news is that it is possible to get your monetization reinstated on Facebook, but it will take some work on your part. Here are the steps you need to follow:

1. First, make sure that all of your content complies with Facebook’s current Community Standards and Advertising Policies. You can find these policies here: Read them carefully and make sure that your content does not violate any of the rules laid out in these documents.

2. Once you’ve verified that your content complies with Facebook’s policies, reach out to the company directly and explain why you believe your monetization should be reinstated. You can do this by filling out this form:

Be as specific as possible in your explanation, and include links to examples of compliant content if possible.

3 . If Facebook decides to reinstate your monetization privileges, congrats!

How Do I Appeal a Monetization Restriction on Facebook?

If your Facebook account has been restricted from monetization, there are a few steps you can take to appeal the decision. First, check to make sure that you meet all of the eligibility requirements for Facebook monetization. If you do not meet one of the requirements, you will need to fix that before moving on.

Next, review the content that was flagged as violating Facebook’s monetization policies. Make sure that all of your content complies with the guidelines and remove anything that does not. Once you have updated your content, fill out an appeal form on Facebook’s Help Center.

Be sure to include as much detail as possible about why you believe your account should be re-approved for monetization. If your appeal is successful, Facebook will lift the restriction on your account and you will be able to start monetizing again.

How Do I Fix the Limited Originality of Content?

If you find that your content is not original enough, there are a few things you can do to fix the problem.

1. Make sure you are doing your own research. When you are researching a topic, try to find sources that are not commonly known. This will help make your content more unique.

2. Take a different perspective on the topics you write about. Instead of writing about what everyone else is writing about, try to come up with new angles and perspectives. This will help make your content stand out from the rest.

3. Use your own experiences and observations to create original content. Write about things that you have experienced firsthand or that you have observed closely.

Why is My Facebook Page Not Eligible for Monetization?

There are a few reasons why your Facebook page may not be eligible for monetization. The first reason is that your page may not have enough followers. To be eligible for monetization, your page must have at least 10,000 followers.

Another reason why your page may not be eligible for monetization is because of the content on your page. Facebook requires that pages meeting their eligibility criteria contain only “ad-friendly” content. This means that your page cannot contain any profanity, adult content, or violence.

If your page contains any of these things, it will not be eligible for monetization. Finally, another reason why your Facebook page might not be eligible for monetization is if you’ve been previously banned from the platform. If you’ve been banned from Facebook in the past, you will not be able to monetize your page.

If you’re unsure why your Facebook page is not eligible for monetization, you can always contact Facebook directly and they will help you figure out the problem.

How to solve restricted monetization on Facebook page


If your Facebook Page has been restricted from running Monetization campaigns, there are a few steps you can take to try and remove the restriction. First, check to see if your Page is in compliance with Facebook’s advertising policies. If it is, then you can appeal the decision by filling out a form on Facebook’s help center.

Finally, if you’re still having trouble, you can reach out to Facebook’s support team for further assistance.