How to remove rust from a carbon steel knife

Rust on a carbon steel knife has been an enemy in our lives since we started to use metals in almost every sphere of our lives. Due to metals’ high heat conductivity, sharpness and rigidity, it has rightfully claimed their place in the kitchen.

Knives are a part and parcel of kitchen utensils. Knives can be divided into two groups depending on the materials they are made up of- carbon steel knives and stainless steel knives.

While stainless steel knives are easier to maintain and do not rust, carbon steel knives give better sharpness and performance and are preferred by professionals. If you want to use a knife to simply get by, then you can use stainless steel knives to avoid the maintenance effort.

But if you want to master the art of butchering like the professionals, it is recommended to use a carbon steel knife. If you are worried about rusting, then rest assured. There are some absolutely easy methods to remove rust from carbon steel knives.

Why do Carbon Steel Knives Rust?

Steel is not a natural element of nature. Rather it is an alloy made from mainly iron and carbon. Iron is very prone to reacting with water and becoming oxidized. When an iron bar comes in contact with water and becomes oxidized, it is known as rust.

How to remove rust from a carbon steel knife?
Carbon Steel Knives Rust. Source: lapetitnoisette

Rusts are very bad for iron as it makes the metal weak and damages surface layers. In stainless steel, chromium is also added with iron and carbon. When they come in contact with water, chromium reacts with water and becomes oxidized before iron can react with it. As a result, a layer of chromium oxide is added to the steel. Chromium oxide is rigid in nature and it prevents further reaction with water.

But in high-grade carbon steel, no chromium is added. As a result, when the iron comes in contact with water, it oxidizes and forms rust. So to prevent the formation of rust in carbon steel knives, we must prevent them from coming in contact with water or coating it with mineral oils.

Removing Rust from Carbon Steel Knives

As it has been said for decades, prevention is better than cure. So if you are using a carbon steel knife, it is best to be careful and make sure that it does not form rust. But do not worry even if it does form rust because there are some easy ways to remove the rust from a carbon steel knife.

Following are 3 easy methods of removing rust from carbon steel knives that you can follow by using common kitchen ingredients.

#1 Baking Soda Method

Baking soda is a very common ingredient in our kitchen that is used for various purposes such as cooking, baking, cleaning, and so on. Baking soda can only be used to clean rust from your carbon steel knives. To do so, you will need-

  1. Baking soda
  2. Water
  3. Scrubbing pad or steel wool
  4. Clean cloth

First, take a small amount of baking soda and mix it with water to create a light paste. Use this paste to cover your rust-filled knife.

Make sure that every bit of your knife is well covered with this paste. Then depending on how much rust your knife had and how much paste you used, let the knife sit for 10-30 minutes.

Then take the scrubbing pad or steel wool to scrub off the paste from your knife. After thoroughly scrubbing it, clean the knife with a clean cloth.

You can complete this method in two steps by cleaning each side at a time. For future protection, you can also use mineral oil to coat the knife to prevent it from forming rust. Of all processes, this method is the best to remove rust from a carbon steel knife.

#2 Vinegar Method

Vinegar can also be used to remove rust from carbon steel knives. Vinegar contains acetic acid which helps to dissolve rust from metal. To follow this method, you will need the following ingredients- 

  1. White Vinegar 
  2. Water 
  3. A tall glass or large bowl
  4. Scrubbing pad or steel wool
  5. Dishwashing Soap
  6. Clean cloth 

Before starting the process, you must keep in mind to use white vinegar. Using any other kind of vinegar can create stains on your knife.

First, put the white vinegar in a tall glass or large bowl. Then put the rust-filled knife in that bowl or glass and let it soak. This process can take a long time so let it soak overnight.

Then take the knife and scrub it with the scrubbing pad or steel wool. If rusts still remind, follow the process again for longer.

To neutralize the acid from the knife, clean it with dishwashing soap and water. Make sure to completely dry it with a clean cloth to prevent further rust formation. You can use mineral oil to prevent rust formation in the future.

#3 Lemon and Salt Method

Lemon and salt can also be used to remove rust from a carbon steel knife. Lemon is acidic in nature like vinegar, which helps in removing rust. Sal on the other hand is a sharp ingredient that can help in scrubbing the rust off. For this method, you will need-

  1. Lemon juice and lemon rind
  2. Salt
  3. Water
  4. Scrubbing pad or steel wool
  5. Clean cloth

First, put salts on the rust stains of your carbon steel knife. Squeeze the lemon juice on your knife, especially on the rust-filled areas of your knife.

Let the lemon juice and salt-covered knife sit for about two hours. Scrub the knife with a lemon rind. If that does not work properly, scrub it with a scrubbing pad or steel wool.

Then clean the lemon juice and salt residue and dry it thoroughly with a clean cloth. This method is preferable if the knife has only a little amount of rust stains.


Knives are a must-use kitchen utensil. Without knives, it is almost impossible for a kitchen to function properly. While stainless steel knives require less maintenance effort, they offer inferior cutting quality than a carbon steel knife.

To prevent a carbon steel knife from rusting, we must be cautious. But if it still forms rust, we can easily remove it by following any of the aforementioned methods.