If you’re looking to make some extra cash by selling feet pics, there are a few things you need to do in order to be successful. First, you need to find a platform to sell your photos on. There are a few websites that allow you to sell feet pics, but the most popular one is probably Feetify.

Once you create an account on Feetify, you can start uploading your photos. Make sure that your photos are high quality and clear, as this will help you attract buyers. In addition, be sure to price your photos reasonably – too high of a price will deter buyers, while too low of a price will make it difficult for you to profit from your sales.

Finally, once you’ve uploaded your photos and priced them accordingly, all you need to do is wait for someone to purchase them!

  • Find people who are interested in buying feet pics
  • This can be done by searching for relevant keywords on forums, message boards, and social media platforms
  • Create a portfolio of your best feet pics
  • Make sure to include a variety of shots that show off your feet in the best light possible
  • Set up a PayPal account so you can receive payments for your feet pics
  • You can also use other payment methods such as Venmo or Cashapp
  • Start selling your feet pics! Use social media, forums, or message boards to advertise your services and prices
  • Include a link to your PayPal account so potential buyers can easily purchase your photos

How to sell feet pictures/ videos *TIPS AND TRICKS

How Much Can You Make Selling Feet Pics?

Assuming you’re referring to feet pics as in photos of feet: There is no definitive answer, as it depends on a number of factors including the platform you use to sell them, who your target market is, how many photos you have available, etc. However, some people have reported making anywhere from $10-$100 per photo.

How Do I Start Selling My Feet Pictures?

Selling feet pictures is a great way to make some extra money. There are a few things you need to do in order to get started. First, you need to find somewhere to sell your pictures.

There are a few websites that allow you to sell your feet pictures. Once you have found a place to sell your pictures, you need to take some good-quality photos of your feet. Make sure the photos are well-lit and clear.

You may also want to consider editing the photos to make them look their best. Once you have some good-quality photos, you can start listing them for sale. Be sure to set a reasonable price for your pictures.

If you are unsure of what price to set, you can look at other listings for similar items and get an idea of what is fair. When people purchase your pictures, be sure to send them the photo promptly so they are not left waiting. Selling feet pictures is a great way to make some extra money and it can be quite fun too!

Can I Legally Sell Pictures of My Feet?

Can I legally sell pictures of my feet? The answer is yes, you can sell pictures of your feet. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before doing so.

First, make sure that the photos are taken in a public place where people are not likely to be offended by them. Second, consider whether or not you want to include any identifying information in the photo, such as your name or address. Finally, be aware that some people may be uncomfortable with purchasing photos of feet, so it’s important to respect their wishes and refrain from selling them if they’re not interested.

What Kind of Feet Pics Sell Best?

There are a few things that you can do to make sure that your feet’ pics sell well. First, make sure that your feet are clean and well-groomed. This means that you should have no dirt or debris on your feet, and your nails should be trimmed and free of polish.

Secondly, try to take pictures that show off your feet in a variety of positions. Flexibility is key here – the more positions you can show off, the better. Finally, don’t forget to include a good description with each photo.

Be sure to list any special features of your feet (e.g., size, shape, color) as well as any relevant information about the photo (e.g., where it was taken, and what you were doing at the time).

How to Sell Feet Pics
Credit: www.pinterest.com

Where to Sell Feet Pics for Free

Sure, you can sell your feet pics for free. But where? The most popular places to sell feet pics are online marketplace sites like Fiverr and Etsy.

You can also find people willing to buy your photos on forums and classifieds websites. To get started, create a profile on one or more of these platforms and offer your services. Be sure to include some good-quality pictures of your feet in your profile, as well as a price list for the different types of photos you’re selling.

If you’re not sure what kind of photos people are looking for, do a search on Google or Pinterest for “feet pics.” This will give you an idea of the demand for this type of photo, as well as what buyers are willing to pay.

Pros And Cons of Selling Feet Pics

As someone who has sold feet pics before, I can tell you that there are both pros and cons to doing so. On the one hand, it can be a great way to make some extra money. On the other, it can be a bit of a hassle and there is always the possibility that your pictures will end up in places you don’t want them to be.

The Pros:

  • You can make good money from selling feet pics. If you find the right buyer, you can easily make $100 or more per transaction.
  • It’s relatively easy to do. All you need is a camera and somewhere to take pictures of your feet.
  • You have control over who sees your pictures. Once you sell the pictures, they’re out of your hands but until then, only people you trust will see them.
  • It can be fun! Some people really enjoy showing off their feet and getting paid for them.

How to Sell Feet Pics Without Getting Scammed

There are a few things to keep in mind when selling feet pics online. First, be sure to only work with reputable sites that have a good reputation for paying their sellers. There are a few sites out there that will try to scam you, so it’s important to do your research before signing up with any site.

Second, always be sure to use a secure payment method when selling your photos. Paypal is usually the best and most secure option. This way, if anything goes wrong, you can always file a dispute and get your money back.

Third, make sure you’re comfortable with the people you’re dealing with. If something feels off or fishy about a buyer, move on to someone else. There’s no need to put yourself in a situation where you could potentially get scammed or taken advantage of.

Selling feet pics can be a great way to make some extra cash, but it’s important to be safe and smart about it. By following these tips, you can avoid getting scammed and make sure you get paid for your hard work!

Is Selling Feet Pics Dangerous

When it comes to making money from selling feet pics, there are a few things you need to consider. The first is that while there is a market for this type of thing, it’s important to be aware that it is not without its risks. There are people who will pay good money for feet pics, but there are also those who will use them for less savory purposes.

This means that you need to be careful about who you sell your pics to and make sure that you trust them implicitly. Another thing to consider is the fact that selling feet pics can be considered illegal in some places. This is because it can be seen as an act of prostitution or soliciting in general.

If you’re caught doing this, you could face some serious legal repercussions. So, if you’re going to sell feet pics, make sure you know the laws in your area and ensure that you’re not breaking any of them. Overall, selling feet pics can be a great way to make some extra cash.

Just be sure that you’re aware of the risks involved and take precautions accordingly.

Where to Sell Feet Pics Europe

If you’re looking to make some extra money by selling feet pics, Europe is a great place to start! There are many different platforms and websites that cater to those who are interested in buying and selling feet pics. Here are just a few of the most popular options:

Feet4Cash – Another long-running website that’s very popular among those in the feet pic business. They offer both digital downloads and physical prints, so you can choose how you want to sell your photos.

FootFetishDirectory – As the name suggests, this website is all about foot fetish content. They have a directory of different sellers, as well as forums and chat rooms where buyers can connect with each other.

Best Place to Sell Feet Pics

Are you looking to make some extra cash by selling your feet pics? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Here, we’ll give you all the information you need to know about where to sell your feet pics and how to maximize your earnings.

To start, let’s talk about where you can sell your feet pics. The two most popular platforms for selling feet pics are Etsy and eBay. Both platforms are great for reaching a large audience and making a profit.

However, there are some key differences between the two that you should be aware of before deciding which one is right for you. Etsy is a marketplace specifically for handmade goods, meaning that it’s geared towards a more creative audience. If you have unique or artistic photos of your feet, then Etsy is probably the better platform for you.

Keep in mind that buyers on Etsy tend to be willing to pay more for high-quality photos, so make sure your pictures are clear and well-composed. eBay, on the other hand, is a more general marketplace with a wider range of buyers. This means that competition is higher on eBay, but it also means that there’s potential to reach a larger audience (and thus earn more money).

When selling on eBay, it’s important to focus on quantity over quality – since buyers there are typically looking for good deals rather than artistry.

Sell Feet Pics App

A new app called Sell Feet Pics is becoming popular among people who want to make money by selling photos of their feet. The app allows users to post pictures of their feet and set a price for each photo. People can then browse the photos and purchase them if they like what they see.

The app has caused some controversy, as some people believe it is objectifying women and exploiting them financially. However, many women who are using the app say that it is empowering them and giving them a way to make money on their own terms. What do you think?

Would you use an app like this?


If you’re looking to make some extra cash by selling feet pics, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, make sure your feet are clean and well-groomed. Second, take good quality photos that show off your feet in the best light possible.

And third, be aware of the sites and platforms where you can sell your photos so you can get the most exposure (and money) for your work. With these tips in mind, you’ll be on your way to making money from your feet pics in no time!